How to set or create in-game tutorials

How to set or create in game tutorials VIDEO

1 - Open in Editor the level where you need to set up the in-game tutorial. Find tutorial TAB

2 - Choose the desired tutorial from the pre-prepared ones. For example. Assign a tutorial for the first level on 'how to play'.

How to create a NEW tutorial

1 - Go to Assets -> BubbleShooterGameToolkit -> Resources -> Tutorials

2 - Duplicate any template. Change the name to a new one.

3 - Next, we need to modify the description.

4 - And specify the required target.

5 - If you need to specify a specific ball in the bunny's paws, use the 'Launch Ball' section.

Ball O

Ball 1

Ball 2

Ball 3

Ball 4

Ball 5

For more details on the names of game objects, refer to the specification

6 - Open the level for which we will use the new tutorial, and assign it.

7 - When creating a level, don't place the target too high, as the pointing finger won't be visible. Place it at the bottom of the level, and the tutorial will be displayed correctly.

Do not forget to check how the tutorial is displayed on different resolutions.

8 - If you want to remove the tutorial for the current level, simply select 'None.

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Last updated