Scripts Overview

Important Scripts

GameManager.cs: This script manages the game's main functionality. It includes methods for initializing managers, handling scene loading, managing game settings, and handling game events such as level restarts and purchases.

LevelManager.cs: This script manages the gameplay loop from start to end. It includes methods for initializing the game, loads level, handling game scenes, checking game targets and win/lose conditions, and processing actions after a ball is launched or destroyed. It interacts with other managers like ScoreManager and MovesTimeManager to track the game's progress and state. It also handle level transitions and the loading of new levels. The specific methods and their functionalities would depend on the actual code in the script. Ball.cs: This script defines the basic ball class. It includes properties for the ball's position, neighbors, and various states. It also includes methods for setting the ball's position, starting the ball's fall, checking if the ball is visible, and destroying the ball. MatchingManager.cs: This script manages the matching of balls in the game. It includes methods for checking matches and getting match lists. DestroyManager.cs: This script manages the destruction of balls in the game. It includes methods for destroying balls instantly or through a sequence, and checking if any balls are to be destroyed.

SeparatingBallManager.cs: Checks all balls to determine if they're connected. If not, triggers them to drop down.

LevelGridManager.cs: Class handles the grid of the level like adding and removing balls, checking if the level is moving, etc. EventManager.cs: This script manages game events and game states like Win, Fail, Loading and etc. Most managers subscribed on events via EventManager ColorManager.cs: This script manages the generation of colors for the game. It includes methods for adding and removing colors, checking color existence, and generating available colors. LevelUtils.cs: This script provides utility methods for managing game grid. It includes methods for converting between world and grid positions, getting neighboring balls, checking and updating colliders, generating new game items, and managing connected balls. It also includes methods for handling specific game mechanics, such as rotating levels and extended neighbors for bombs.

PoolObject.cs: This script manages a pool of game objects for efficient reuse, reducing the need for instantiating and destroying objects. It includes methods for creating new objects, getting objects from the pool, returning objects to the pool, and managing the pool itself.

MovesTimeManager.cs: This script manages the moves and time of the game.

ScoreManager.cs: This script manages the score of the game, aggregate combo multiplier and showing the score popup.

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